The stranger was invested in the girl’s future and provided financial support for her education.
There Lin was born into a family with very limited resources.
The young child was expected to assist her mother and father from an early age.
The randomly encountered a stranger who bestowed upon her a challenging TEM destiny and provided financial support for her education at the university.
The actions of a man who assisted an unknown and destitute girl with her studies proved to be the turning point in his life 12 years later.
Zheng Hua did not have the slightest idea at that point in time that a kind and compassionate deed would end up saving his life 12 years later.
The girl spent her childhood in a sleepy hamlet located in the Sichuan province. There was never enough money, my father was unable to find a good job, and my mother was too busy taking care of the house to look for more work.
As time went on, Tam was responsible for looking after his younger sisters.
The situation for the family was only made more difficult by the powerful earthquake. They were compelled to relocate to relatives who lived a long distance away after losing their homes.
The actions of a man who assisted an unknown and destitute girl with her studies proved to be the turning point in his life 12 years later.
Tam, who was worn out from worrying, ran into the businessman Zheng Hua in the new neighborhood.
He had himself been raised in a family not dissimilar to theirs, and as a result, he could completely empathize with the predicament that the poor child was in.
Together with Tam, Zheng Hua paid a visit to Tam’s parents and left her phone number with them.
He instructed her to call him when the girl would complete her schooling.
This was accomplished by Father Tam, and the businessman did not back out of his commitments; he encouraged the young lady to enroll at the Sichuan Medical University and paid for her education there.
Twelve years later, when there Lin was an adult, she worked at a prominent hospital with a qualified optometrist. And it just so happened that Zheng Hua ended up in this hospital.
“A very serious diagnosis has been given to me. The thing became completely out of hand, the merchant reflected in retrospect.
The actions of a man who assisted an unknown and destitute girl with her studies proved to be the turning point in his life 12 years later.
Lin was employed in another department of the hospital, but she did not hesitate to help when she heard about the emergency.
She reached out to her friends, and Zhen swiftly took her through all of the bureaucratic lines to the most qualified medical professionals. And then two days after that, it had entirely returned to normal.
“I sent Tam off to school twelve years ago. And now she is the one who keeps me alive. The successful entrepreneur explained to the reporters, “I simply want to say this about this: compassion pays off.”
There, Lin and Zheng Hua continue to keep in contact with one another. Now, they may both experience thankfulness.