In 1980, Robert Shafran, aged 19, embarked on his college journey, unaware of the extraordinary twist of fate awaiting him.
Upon arrival, he encountered bewildering behavior from those around him, who addressed him by a different name and seemed oddly familiar, as if they shared a long-standing connection.
Unbeknownst to Robert, he was one of triplets separated in infancy, a fact he discovered a decade later when he met his identical siblings. The revelation came as a shock: Robert had two twin brothers, both separated from him at a tender age.
However, the surprises did not end there. It emerged that the triplets had unwittingly participated in a secretive experiment.
During his college days, Robert was introduced to one of his brothers, Edward Gallan, by fellow students. The resemblance was uncanny, and both brothers had been raised in foster families, unaware of each other’s existence until then.
Months later, another college student, David Kellman, stumbled upon a television segment detailing the reunion of the twins and was astounded to find that Robert and Edward bore an identical likeness to him.
Upon their reunion, the brothers discovered that their adoptive families were completely unaware of their siblings’ existence, as each sibling had been placed in a separate household, with no knowledge of their counterparts.
Their families resided at considerable distances from one another, further emphasizing the intentional separation.
As the brothers and their adoptive parents delved into the circumstances of their separation, they uncovered the truth behind a peculiar experiment orchestrated by renowned child psychologist Peter Neubauer.
Neubauer’s research aimed to examine the influence of upbringing on personality development, deliberately placing the triplets in distinct family environments to observe the interplay of inherited traits and environmental factors.
David found himself in a working-class household, Edward in a middle-income family, and Robert in the care of an affluent businessman, offering Neubauer a diverse array of social contexts for his study.
Despite the initial intrigue surrounding the brothers’ reunion and the subsequent media attention, Neubauer’s experiment eventually faced ethical scrutiny, prompting its condemnation as unethical.
The full extent of its findings remains shrouded in secrecy, with classified results leaving lingering questions about the true implications of the triplets’ extraordinary tale.