In a world where being a girl seems like an unending list of impossible expectations, the pressure to conform to society’s standards can feel suffocating. From a young age, girls are bombarded with messages telling them they must be beautiful, smart, and flawless in every way.
“You are so beautiful and so smart,” we’re told. But despite these compliments, many girls struggle with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. It’s as if we’re constantly striving to be extraordinary, yet somehow, we always feel like we’re falling short.
The expectations placed on girls are contradictory and unrealistic. We’re told to never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fail, never show fear, never fall down, never get out of line. It’s an impossible standard to meet, leaving girls feeling exhausted and defeated.
What’s worse is that society rarely acknowledges the immense pressure girls face or offers gratitude for their efforts. Instead, girls are made to feel like everything they do is wrong and that everything is their fault.
It’s heartbreaking to watch girls contort themselves into knots in an effort to please others. We’re constantly bending over backward, hoping that people will like us, but it’s never enough.
The lyrics of a poignant song capture this sentiment perfectly: “I used to float, I just fall down. I used to know, but I’m not sure now. What I was made for?” Girls are left questioning their purpose and their worth in a world that seems determined to tear them down.
But despite the challenges, there’s hope that someday, girls will reclaim their sense of self-worth and learn to embrace who they are, flaws and all. It’s time to break free from society’s narrow definitions of femininity and recognize that girls are so much more than what meets the eye.
In the end, girls are not just something to be molded into a perfect doll-like representation. We are human beings with complex emotions, dreams, and aspirations. And it’s time we start celebrating that.
Here is the video: