Throughout the years that the “Sex and the City” series aired, Carrie Bradshaw became one of television’s most controversial characters. Many women worldwide dreamed of her glamorous lifestyle: dating attractive men, buying designer clothes, and dining at upscale restaurants.
Conversely, others criticized her for being a frivolous Manhattanite prone to tantrums with boyfriends, neglecting friends for dates, and spending her last dime on shoes.
However, both her critics and fans agreed on one thing: Carrie had an impeccable fashion sense. Credit for her status as a style icon from the series’ inception goes to costume designer Patricia Field.
Field brilliantly captured Sarah Jessica Parker’s vibrant personality and showcased it through Carrie’s wardrobe. Carrie always appeared stylish, even when casually stepping out for a coffee and croissant.
Therefore, when news broke about the series’ continuation, 17 years after the final episode, “Sex and the City” fans eagerly anticipated more dramatic plot twists, witty humor, and stunning fashion. Unfortunately, many were disappointed.
The main character transitioned from luxury brands to the mass market, began dressing carelessly, and seemingly forgot her once-cherished glossy magazines, even fainting with excitement in the Vogue dressing room.
Despite its low ratings, the series “And Just Like That” was renewed for another season.
Filming is underway in New York, but set photos have left fans unimpressed. One particular outfit drew criticism: Carrie wore gray sweatpants, slippers, a cardigan, a robe or coat, high socks, and a pink hat. Previously, Carrie had paired sweatpants with pumps, maintaining some fashion sense.
Fans are now urging producers to bring Patricia Field back to the project, hoping for a plot twist to redeem Carrie’s style. Some speculate that reuniting with Aidan, who loved Carrie for who she is rather than how she dressed, might explain her more relaxed wardrobe.