Heather Locklear, a well-known American actress admired for her stunning looks in the 1980s, has recently become the center of public interest due to her perplexing behavior in Malibu, California. In June 2023, photographs emerged of her casually seated on a sidewalk, patiently waiting for transportation as her partner, Chris Heiser, was noticeably late for over half an hour.
Heather’s well-documented battles with mental health and addiction have been a cause for concern, as her troubling actions continue to raise alarm. She was seen talking to herself and carefully walking while leaning on a wall. According to sources, she was spotted in a work meeting and later found reading aloud from a notebook while seated on a flight of stairs.
Concerns have been raised by friends and close ones regarding Heather’s potential relapse into drinking, despite her dedicated efforts to overcome addiction. In 2019, she underwent rehabilitation over twenty times, which truly emphasized the extent of her struggle. In 2018, she faced additional legal troubles with arrests related to domestic violence and assaulting a police officer, which further complicated her history.
Heather Locklear, famous for her roles in beloved TV series, was once married to Tommy Lee and later Richie Sambora. They have a daughter together named Ava. Her engagement to Chris Heiser is the result of a revived high school romance. In the midst of everything, the afternoon of June 29 was filled with her troubling behavior following an appointment.
Witnesses reported seeing her on the edge of a building, tightly holding onto the pillars and engaged in a conversation with herself. It was quite intriguing to witness her peculiar behavior as she recited from a notebook and made eccentric facial expressions while crossing the street.
Heather and Chris Heiser eventually departed in an SUV, causing worry among their friends who are concerned about Heather’s safety. Even in the face of her well-documented challenges, she finds solace in the unwavering support of her network, which includes Chris, her parents, and her daughter Ava. Those close to Heather are hopeful that her strength will help her navigate this difficult period, with the expectation that this event is an isolated occurrence.
Heather Locklear seen balancing on a ledge and sprinting across the street https://t.co/HjOturm0lU pic.twitter.com/HJ8TLVVUe4
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) July 3, 2023