These tiny creatures are the world’s smallest species of deer, and they are around the size of a domestic dog.
There are two distinct species of pudu, and both may be found in South American countries.
The pudu found in Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Colombia is a different species to the pudu found in Argentina and Chile.
They are barely between 12 and 16 inches in height at the most.
Pudus, like most other grazing animals, are vegetarians and survive on a diet consisting of grass, leaves, seeds, and any falling fruit that they may find.
They can either stand on their hind legs or, in contrast to their bigger deer relatives, they have the ability to climb trees when necessary. Both of these strategies allow them to reach vegetation.
Pudus are watchful creatures that are always alert for any predators. When they are being pursued, they run in a zigzag pattern, which makes it more difficult for bigger predators to capture them.
They are also quite skilled at climbing and jumping when the situation calls for it.
These solitary creatures may be found in the deep woods of South America, where they have developed a complicated network of pathways to help them in navigating the undergrowth of the trees.
The only time two pudus are observed together is when they are mating, which often takes place in the fall, and then again in the spring when they are giving birth to one or two of their offspring.
Male pudus, like their larger deer relatives, are easily identifiable by the antlers they grow on their heads.
Their lifetime typically ranges from eight to ten years, although this may be cut short by a number of external causes, including the destruction of their natural habitat and the transmission of illnesses and parasites from domestic dogs.
Aren’t pudus amazing? Share your thoughts in the comments section and let us know what you think about these creatures.