VIDEO: During a life-saving surgery, a baby koala hugs its unconscious mother and won’t let her go…

This is the moment when a newborn koala known as Phantom remained at his mother’s side as she had life-saving surgery. Phantom was just six months old at the time.

After being struck by a vehicle in Australia, the mother koala known as Lizzy suffered from a collapsed lung in addition to some facial injuries.

Phantom was fortunate enough to escape without injury, and given his tender age, the medical experts determined that it was in his best interest to remain with his mother.

Phantom was giving his mother constant hugs while perched on her neck, and it seemed that his hugs were working.

According to medical workers, who spoke to the ABC, “Phantom is with Lizzy for her surgeries and check-ups to ensure that neither mum nor bub gets stressed out.”

Similarly, Phantom is put in a “pouch” throughout the weighing process to ensure that he continues to feel secure and protected even when he is separated from his mother.

Kolas are Australian natives that are social animals. Their mother is the only one they have a connection with. The mother and baby’s extraordinary bond leaves you speechless and makes you cry.

Watch the video below, and please SHARE this wonderful story with your friends and family on Facebook.

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