When Raj’s dog escaped from their home, the dog’s owner, Mary Whitacre, became quite concerned.
According to the woman from Greenville, Raja was interacting with another dog in the yard when his neighbor began letting off fireworks. At the time, Raja was having fun.
She went to see Raju since she was aware that her pet dog was terrified of fireworks. “She disappeared after I went outside,” the speaker said.
After a rigorous and stressful period of seven hours, Mary and her husband Ryan continued their search for Raja by touring the town and conducting interviews with everyone they saw along the way.
They were able to obtain assistance from their friends and spread the information via social media.
They were awakened at three in the morning by someone who rang their doorbell.
When the doorbell rang at three in the morning, it was already very early in the day.
They were able to identify their much-loved dog in the video footage that was captured by the doorbell.
It was observed that Raja was poking his head through the door.
When Ryan was awake, he waited with anticipation for her arrival.
Mary shared what she heard: “He saw her on the porch and immediately began to chase after her.”