A man from Rochester, New York, who is 98 years old and can convince you that genuine love does exist.
Luther Younger is undoubtedly head over heels in love with his wife Waverlee, despite the fact that they have been married for the past 55 years.
In spite of the fact that it snows and rains every day, Luther does not get tired of walking the ten kilometers back and forth to the hospital to check on his wife.
In Rochester, he rose to the status of a local celebrity.
It was almost like a daily rite of passage for him.
A man who is 98 years old declines the assistance of the many bystanders who stop to offer it to him because he would rather walk there.
In addition to what he does, walking around town is another method of gaining muscle.
Because he was a sailor, he maintains an exceptional level of physical fitness. He does nor drink or smoke nad of course does not look his age.
Waverlee Younger, the man’s wife, was given a diagnosis of brain cancer nine years ago.
According to the doctors’ assessments, the woman had around five years left to live.
But she was incredibly resilient, despite the fact that she had been hospitalized for the past nine years.
Her care is provided by her husband and their daughter, Lutheta.
A diagnosis of pneumonia was made in relation to the woman a few months ago. Since then, the husband has begun paying more frequent visits.