While my father and I were helping Mom make dinner, she summoned us into the kitchen. In the nursery at the moment, we were in the middle of reading a book.
We had just finished putting everything where it belonged when we heard a terrifying rumble in the distance.
After running into the kitchen, we found our mother lying on the ground. There was blood close to where she had been biting.
Dad was fast to place the call to the physicians. He comforted her by holding her in his arms while he sobbed loudly. He pleaded with her to stay with him.
Where should you not go? If Mom were to lie down, where would she be able to go? Everything was beyond my comprehension.
Recently, Mom had been in a very weak state. If we used to run around the playground together playing catch-up, she would have to be content to take a seat on the bench and watch me play from the sidelines now. She moved quite quickly and had a happy demeanor.
Now she frequently sobbed and continued to take her medication. Due to her lack of strength, my mother was unable to do much other than play with me while she was seated.
After the arrival of the ambulance, my father drove Mom and himself to the hospital while he brought me to the home of a neighbor.
I watched them through the glass as they separated and waited for them to reunite. The thought of my mom having shots gave me a lot of anxiety. She doesn’t care much for them at all!
When my father returned, I was already in a deep sleep. In the middle of the night, I overheard him sobbing to our next-door neighbor and discussing a form of leukemia.
He stated that Mom was in a vegetative state. What exactly did you say? I was informed that it was possible that Mom would not return home.
What are the odds of that happening? I am extremely lucky to have her love.
Two months later, my father returned home and informed me that he wanted me to accompany him to the hospital.
In the past, the medical staff wouldn’t allow me to visit with my mother, but finally, that day arrived. I was overjoyed, but for some unknown reason, my dad couldn’t stop crying the whole time.
My father gave me a hug and said the following before I entered the room:
“Sonny, you need to tell your mother that you love her and that you will miss her. This will be our final conversation…
Mom had an extremely wan complexion. Her eyes were closed, and there were a variety of tubes protruding from her body.
I had to hold back the tears because I knew they would make my mother even more upset than she already was. I’m a man!
I held her hand and uttered in a low voice:
“Mommy, I’ve been thinking about how much I miss you. Daddy and I miss you. There is no one to listen to the stories, and it is time to get more people to volunteer at the fire station.
Use my fortitude as your own, Mother. I have more than enough because I finished my oatmeal for the day this morning.”
Mom patted my hand. I yelled as I hurried out of the room and said:
“Daddy, she’s been here all along! I offered her everything of my abilities!
My father and the doctors believed that I had lost my mind. But as soon as they walked inside the room, they noticed that their mother had come back to consciousness.
That actually happened! It was inevitable. The situation with Mommy was improving. And then, after a couple of weeks had passed, she was released from the hospital, and everything started falling into place.