The Pacheko family, consisting of Berenis and her three children, found themselves on the verge of losing their home as a result of a financial crisis and rising debts. Berenis was the primary breadwinner for the family.
Berenis was fired from her work as the family struggled to make ends meet and pay the extremely high rent on their apartment in Los Angeles. As a result, the family was forced to move into a barn, which had unsatisfactory living conditions.
Aaron, who was just eight years old at the time, Berenis’s son, emerged as an unlikely hero during this perilous situation.
Aaron’s idea to create his own business to pay for his own toys came up in the course of a lighthearted chat he was having with his mother.
At first, Berenis was dismissive of the concept, whereas Aaron took it rather seriously.
Aaron used his meager resources of only $12 to acquire eight succulent plants from a nearby market. He then resold these plants for a little profit of $4.
Aaron’s income increased, so he decided to start advertising his plants on Instagram, where he quickly garnered a significant number of followers.
His tale attracted the attention of the media, and a group of concerned citizens even established a GoFundMe auction in order to provide financial assistance to his family.
Aaron was able to bring in $40,000 in revenue from his plant business in just eight months thanks to the auction and its overall success.
The Pacheko family had enough money with which to acquire their own own apartment on the outskirts of the city thanks to this.
And Aaron’s company continued to do well despite the fact that an increasing number of people were aware of his entrepreneurial zeal.
However, Aaron isn’t content to leave it at that.
He has high hopes that he will one day be able to provide the most best accommodation for his family, and he intends to achieve this goal by expanding his business and saving even more money.
Aaron was able to keep his family from being homeless thanks to his dogged persistence and tireless effort, and as a result, he became an example for other people.