The young child, convinced that the older guy she had seen was Santa Claus, went up to him and introduced herself.
It was quite heartwarming to hear the man’s response as well as hear them talk to one another.
There is no doubt that Santa Claus is one of the heroes in the eyes of children.
Their faces light up with excitement whenever kids come face to face with Santa, whether it be at a Christmas market or on Christmas Eve in the living room of their home.
Two years ago, when a family was out shopping for Christmas presents, one of these incidents was caught on camera.
The couple’s daughter, who is only two years old, puts her finger to her mouth and whispers, “Shh, it’s Santa!”
She had, in fact, witnessed a man with a white beard who was a remarkable reflection of the individual she was anticipating to emerge from the chimney.
Sophie eventually worked up the courage to talk to the stranger, who introduced himself as Roger Larck, after receiving some encouragement from her father.
Santa? Sophie went over to the man and put the question to him. I’ve been called worse, Roger responds in response.
It continues a dialogue that Sophie will always appreciate and consider to be precious.
When “Santa” visits their house, Sophie coaxes him to bring cookies by showing him her exquisite nails and begging him to bring them.
She responds right away that he is only allowed to have one cookie in response to his question about whether or not he will get all of the cookies.
She continues by saying, “I’ll feed the rest to the reindeer,” but the listener soon learns that reindeer typically only consume grass.
“But finding it at the North Pole is rather a difficult task,” he goes on to say. “[T]he conditions there are harsh.”
Due to the fact that the girl’s elder sister captured it on camera, it is quite cute.
Take a look at this picture-perfect scene: