She parted ways with all of her possessions in order to achieve her ambition. She is now content with her life, and she lives aboard a cruise ship while she explores the world.
The woman from Florida used up all of her savings and sold all of her possessions so that she could continue traveling nonstop for the rest of her life without ever having to return home.
The amount equaling seven years. For exactly that amount of time, Lee Wachtsatter has been residing on a cruise ship called the Crystal Serenity.
The senior citizen admits that despite the passage of time, she has never second-guessed the decision that she made.
The traveler from the United States spent her entire life away from home. In 1962, she embarked on her very first cruise vacation.
Currently, she is on the 283rd trip of her life. Mrs. Lee makes an annual investment of thousands of dollars in order to fulfill her goal.
In exchange for this quantity of money, she will have access to all of the ship’s dining options, a private cabin that is both lavish and extravagant, and evenings filled with ballroom dancing.
In addition, the retiree goes to the theater, talks, and participates enthusiastically in any and all sorts of entertainment.
“Everyone on the team makes sure that I’m satisfied at all times. A good number of them are already part of my extended family. If they do not already possess it, there is no question that they will track it down.
Especially in the event that they had to spend their entire stopover period on property in order to obtain it, she says. On board, the retired individual is simply referred to as “Mother Lee” by everyone.
In case you were wondering, Mama Lee still goes shopping for her own clothes. In addition to this, she will provide any style-conscious person an advantage in terms of their fashion sense.
The woman exclaims with verve that after traveling to one hundred different countries, she is positive that Istanbul is the best city in the world for shopping.
It’s impossible for me to resist going to the Great Bazaar in Istanbul. There are several pretty beautiful combinations to choose from!
In addition to this, they are the perfect shoes for ballroom dancing. In addition, Mama Lee says, “When it comes to shopping, I am always the first one on board.”