In a heartwarming rescue effort, the compassionate team at Lancaster Farm Sanctuary (LFS) came across Noelle, a sheep lying lifeless on the floor of an auction hall. Despite initial fears, they discovered she was still alive and quickly took action to help her. Noelle was rushed to a wildlife hospital, where they learned she was pregnant with twins. Sadly, her weakened state necessitated an emergency C-section to save her life.
With the care and support of her new sanctuary family, Noelle’s heart and body slowly began to recover. A fellow sheep named Helena watched over her attentively during her healing process. After weeks of recuperation, Noelle was finally strong enough to explore her new home at the sanctuary, meeting other sheep and grazing contentedly in the pastures.
The folks at LFS are deeply committed to giving Noelle the love and care she deserves, unsure of how much time they have with her. However, they are determined to make every moment of her life meaningful and fulfilling. Despite not knowing her past, seeing Noelle thriving in her safe and caring environment brings immense joy to her rescuers at Lancaster Farm Sanctuary.