The Funniest Bouquet Toss I’ve Ever Seen

Weddings are filled with unforgettable moments, but this particular bouquet toss took the cake in terms of hilarity.

As the bride readied herself to toss the bouquet, a group of hopeful single ladies eagerly gathered, anticipating their opportunity to catch the highly sought-after flowers. Picture this: the bouquet gracefully soared through the air, defying all expectations, until it found its perfect landing spot – right in the hands of a young child. And just like that, the little one seized the opportunity and ran away.

In the video, you’ll see how the photographer quickly picks up on the humor of the moment and expertly tracks the child with his camera. Viewers were thoroughly captivated and eagerly requested the family to share a selection of the photographer’s shots.

The photos that come out are absolutely stunning.

@staceymay50 Hysterical bouqeut toss. Wait for it!! 😂😂 #wedding #bouquettoss #fyp #bride #fail #makeitgoviral #funny ♬ gimme gimme gimme – .

@staceymay50 Replying to @Sarah Krienke ♬ original sound – Stacey May

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