In a heartwarming story, Trevor Rainbolt, a well-known GeoGuessr player, went above and beyond to assist a stranger in finding the precise location where a photograph of his mother was captured back in 1995.
GeoGuessr is an exciting online game that puts your geography skills to the test. Players are tasked with identifying various locations using Google Street View imagery.
Here’s the only photo I have of my mother… I was adopted back in 1995 and I only have this photo from before my mother passed away.
With the help of the old photo, Rainbolt carefully examined the details and successfully identified the exact location. The location, thought to be Ritsa Lake in Abkhazia, was identified with impressive precision.
“This one felt great,” Rainbolt captioned his video.
@georainbolt this one felt good #geo #geoguessr #geography #geowizard ♬ space song – 🙂