Sometimes unusual design decisions make the location a true tourist destination. This had an impact on the home that Vladimir Kirillovich Sysa called his own.
Our editorial staff was the ones that uncovered the strange background of the man’s childhood house. Vladimir Sysa had the land on which he planned to build his house for quite some time before he finally got around to doing it.
The fact of the matter is that a standard electrician has no interest in participating in a conventional building project.
He began constructing his own home out of glass bottles as a way to save money and stand out from the unfriendly neighbors in his neighborhood.
This particular technique has been around since 1902 and sees widespread application within the United States.
The utilization of any and all bottles in American architecture contributes to the brighter overall aspect of the structures.
Sysa, on the other hand, came to the conclusion that she should only stockpile bottles of “Soviet champagne.” The green glass in his home now has a beautiful sheen to it after being cleaned.
Additional means of searching included the collection of bottles in public areas and the formation of partnerships with organizations that collect and organize residential garbage.
Bottles with a volume that was greater than 800 milliliters were not accepted for processing, despite the fact that no one required them. The quantity of champagne that was made available was 8,000 bottles.
The man asserted that he selected the component prior to being allotted a piece of land measuring five acres in Zaporozhye.
He stashed the bottles in his house garage. But as time went on, she began to see the value in her husband’s offer because she, too, desired to leave a distinctive legacy for her children.
“I helped my spouse out by washing all of the bottles with my grandchild and daughter-in-law,” Lyudmila Sysa is quoted as saying in the article.
I was also responsible for carrying cement buckets up to the second story when they were required.
Despite the fact that my husband prevented me from carrying out my principal responsibility, I did all of the auxiliary duties.
The woman was involved in the design of all of the unusual features that were included into the property, such as the hand-crafted elevator to the second story and the outdoor sauna and pool.
In addition to this, everything is made with bottles that are referred to as “Soviet champagne.” The Sys family often travels with their eccentric belongings and stays in an odd house.
He was constantly reminded of the importance of family by others around him. Vladimir still takes pride in his distinctive residence. Yeah, and in addition to all other places.
Because of Sysa’s work, this architectural approach became standard practice in Eastern European countries.
Once upon a time, a guy was presented with the chance to purchase a home and a plot of land that rightfully belonged to him.
He was offered a price of one hundred thousand hryvnias for the structure as well as any other constructions in the surrounding area. On the other hand, Vladimir Sysa raised a protest.
This money is not nearly as important as designing a warm and inviting family abode for him and the people he holds dear.